In 1997, I was involved in a car accident that left me with serious injuries. My lifestyle had always been active before then and for the first time, I struggled to find activities that did not cause pain. That was when I decided to try yoga for the first time and ironically, I did not like it. Some of the poses bothered my weak wrists and I found it to be very slow. Still, I tried a few more classes and it grew on me. Eventually, I was going to yoga 3 times per week, getting stronger and loving it. Then I tried pilates and almost instantly, included it in my regular workout routine. Before I knew it, 7 years had passed and a few of my friends and teachers began to ask if I had ever considered becoming an instructor. I completed my first yoga certification in 2005 and a pilates certification two years later.
In 2009, I underwent major abdominal surgery and although the 6-week recovery was excruciating, I was ready to return to teaching after only 3 weeks. Pilates helped to repair my abdominal muscles and strengthen my core. By the time I became pregnant 2 years later, I was running 5.5 kms twice per week, participating in a weekend step class and teaching 3 weekly yoga and pilates classes. I continued to run while pregnant until the baby’s weight on my bladder prevented me from being outside for more than 15 minutes at a time. Prenatal yoga was my saving grace, as I modified poses and used props to tailor the practice for myself and for other mothers-to-be who attended my classes. The biggest benefits included minimal weight gain, increased lung capacity and almost no back pain.
After giving birth to my daughter in 2012, I taught a few post-natal Mom and Baby classes at a local community centre, which helped with my transition back to a regular teaching schedule. Introducing yoga and pilates to my infant daughter was rewarding for both of us, as it provided new opportunities for us to bond and it relaxed her so much that she fell asleep mid-session.
Because of my experiences, I am able to relate to my students and provide classes with modifications that cater to all levels of ability. Register for a Serenity Seven Yoga & Pilates class today, so that I can help you get back to doing what makes you healthy, happy and whole.